Focus of Research :
- Estimation of marine fish landings in India
- Methods/tools/ models for fish stock assessment
- Statistical designs for product and process optimization
- Statistical modelling in fisheries
- Application of deep learning models/algorithms in marine fisheries
Background :
Started the career as scientist (ARS) in the division of Design of Experiments at ICAR-Indian Agricultural Statistics Research Institute, New Delhi in the year 2010. Later joined ICAR-CMFRI, Kochi in the year 2017. Worked in both basic and applied areas of statistics, especially in Design of Experiments, Statistical/ Ecosystem Modelling and Statistical/ computational tools for data analysis. Presently working in Fishery Resources Assessment, Economics and Extension Division of ICAR-CMFRI, focusing mainly on monitoring and assessment of marine fish landings along the Indian coastline.
Education :
- MCA (Computer Applications): 2021, Indira Gandhi National Open University, New Delhi
- PhD (Agricultural Statistics): 2011, Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI), New Delhi
- MSc (Agricultural Statistics): 2006, Kerala Agricultural University, Thrissur
- BSc (Mathematics): 2003, St. Thomas College, Thrissur.
Current Research Projects :
No | Title |
1 | Geo-referenced Marine Fisheries Resources Information System for Indian EEZ based on Enhanced Survey Protocols and Methodological Platforms for Stock Assessment, Modelling and Forecasting |
2 | Automated System for Marine Fishery Resources Landing Data Collection via Computer Vision and AI-Driven Deep Learning Algorithms for Species Identification and Quantification from Visual Images |
3 | Science for Sustainability: Developing an Integrated Assessment Framework (IAF) to inform management decisions for marine fisheries of Andhra Pradesh. |
4 | Science for Sustainability: Developing an Integrated Assessment Framework (IAF) to inform management decisions for marine fisheries of Tamil Nadu and Puducherry |
Awards & Recognitions :
- Elected member of the International Statistical Institute (ISI), The Netherlands
- INSA Visiting Scientist at IITB, Mumbai during year 2023-24.
- NAAS Associateship-2023 of National Academy of Agricultural Sciences (NAAS), New Delhi, India
- Lal Bahadur Shastri Outstanding Young Scientist Award - 2017 of ICAR, New Delhi, India in Social Sciences.
- NAAS Young Scientist Award, National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, New Delhi, India in Social Sciences for the biennium 2017-18
- IARI merit medal, Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI), New Delhi, India for outstanding research work during the Ph.D.
- Honorary Joint Secretary (2020-2023) of the prestigious Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics, New Delhi, India (constituted in 1947)
- Associate Editor (Section: Design of experiments), Model Assisted Statistics and Applications.
- Jayasankar, Eldho Varghese, A. Gopalakrishnan, E. Vivekanandan, U. Ganga, Prathibha Rohit, V. Sreepriya and Judith Das (2024). Quantitative fishery assessment in tropical waters: Stock dynamics and strategy options, Indian J. Fish., 71 (1), 163-173, 2024
- Sathianandan, T. V., Mohamed, K. S., Jayasankar, J., Kuriakose, S., Mini, K. G., Varghese, Eldho, Zacharia, P. U., Kaladharan, P., Najmudeen, T.M., Koya, M. K., Sasikumar, G., Bharti, V., Rohit, P., Maheswarudu, G., Sindhu, K. A., Sreepriya, V., Alphonsa, J., and Deepthi, A. (2021). Status of Indian marine fish stocks: modelling stock biomass dynamics in multigear fisheries. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 78 (5), 1744–1757.
- Hemavathi, M., Shekhar, Shashi, Varghese*, Eldho, Jaggi, Seema, Sinha, Bikas and Mandal, N.K. (2022). Theoretical developments in response surface designs: an informative review and further thoughts. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 51(7), 2009-2033.
- Kumar, J., Jaggi, S., Varghese, Eldho*, Bhowmik, A. and Varghese, C., (2020). First order rotatable designs incorporating differential neighbour effects from experimental units up to distance 2. Metrika, 83, 923–935.
- Jaggi, S., Sarkar, Kader Ali, Bhowmik, Arpan, Varghese, Eldho, Varghese*, Cini, Datta, Anindita (2023) Trend resistant balanced bipartite block designs. Statistical Methods & Applications, 32, 211–235.
Best 5 Publications :