The Agricultural Technology Information Centre (ATIC) of CMFRI was established under the National Agricultural Technology Project (NATP) in 1999 and has the following objectives.
- To provide a single window delivery system for the products and services available from CMFRI to the fishers/fish farmers, entrepreneurs and other interest groups
- To facilitate direct access to fisher folk and other clientele to the institutional resources available in terms of technology advice and technology products
- To provide a mechanism for feedback from the end-users to the institute
- To generate income through sale of various products, technologies and services

Marine Aquaria for public awareness

Agricultural Technology Information Centre

Participation in exhibitions

Sales Counter for institute and KVK products

Fish Aging laboratory at CMFRI Kochi
- Sale of products and services
Various diagnostic services provided by the various research divisions of the institute are facilitated through ATIC at nominal rates. Technology products and publications of the institute are also sold through the sales counter
- Training and awareness programmes
Training and awareness programmes and field days are conducted regularly on topics related to fisheries management and fish farming on need basis to benefit the fisher folk and other beneficiaries
- Attending phone calls /personal enquiry /letters/e- mails
Phone calls from various interest groups are regularly attended regarding technical information on fish farming, products, diagnostic services, and other farm advisory services and necessary technical support is provided through linking with various research divisions of CMFRI. Request letters received from various clientele are answered through letter correspondence or through e-mails.
- Participation in exhibitions
The information on latest technologies developed in the institute are disseminated to the public through participation in exhibitions conducted in different parts of the country.
- Visitor management
The diverse group of visitors to the institute consisting of fishermen/ farmers, researchers, students and others are regularly attended and guided to the various facilities of the institute like aquariums, hatchery, marine biodiversity museum and other research facilities of the institute.
ATIC-KVK sales counter
Sale of live and processed products, publications and diagnostic services of CMFRI are undertaken through the sales counter. Sale of products for organic farming and planting materials of Krishi Vigyan Kendra of CMFRI are also undertaken through the sales counter
Technology Museum
Charts, posters and models depicting the technologies, products, services and publications are displayed in the technology museum for disseminating the information of latest institute technologies to public
Audio-visual hall
The audio visual hall is equipped with multimedia and visual display and movies on different fishery based technologies are screened to the visitors as per request. Various training and awareness programmes for fishers, farmers and students are also conducted here.
List of products and services and pricing
Rates for providing Microbiological analysis and Fish ageing services
ATIC Manager
Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute
Post Box No. 1603
Ernakulam North PO
Kochi-682 018
Ph. +91 484 2394867 (extn.408/ 405/406)