Focus of Research :
- Taxonomy and biology of fishes
- Monitoring of marine ecosystem and biodiversity using underwater census method
- Ecology and conservation biology of vulnerable/threatened resources
Background :
I am a professional graduate in fisheries science and my area of specialization is aquatic environment management. During my post-graduation, I worked on the removal of heavy metal contaminants from aquatic environment using algal biomass and my doctoral research is about the species diversity in trawl by-catch along Tuticorin coast and its economic valuation. At present as a researcher, I have been a part of the Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute (ICAR) since 2012 and I am currently involved in specific projects on marine biodiversity and fishery biology. I have deposited specimens (either as first or new record) in the designated marine repository and further I am studying the impact of over fishing on marine ecosystem and subsequent loss of biodiversity. As part of a team, I have carried out under water assessment of coral reefs and associated fauna from Lakshwadeep Islands and Gulf of Mannar. In the near future, my research interests are about the ecology and conservation biology of marine ornamentals and impact of exotics in marine ecosystem.
Education :
- Doctor of Philosophy (PhD 2009-14; to be completed by 2014) Central Institute of Fisheries Education, Mumbai.
- Master of Fisheries Sciences (2007-09), Central Institute of Fisheries Education, Mumbai.
- Bachelor of Fisheries Sciences (2003-2007), Fisheries College and Research Institute, Tuticorin.
Current Research Projects :
No | Title | Funded By |
1 | Bioinventorying and biodiversity valuation of marine organisms in selected marine ecosystems along the Indian coast | CMFRI |
2 | Investigations on vulnerable coral reef ecosystems of Indian waters with special emphasis on formulation of management measures for conservation | CMFRI |
3 | Assessment of the fishing impacts on biodiversity loss, with special reference to the threatened species, to formulate management options for their protection | CMFRI |
4 | Remote sensing assisted biodynamic forecasting paradigm for Indian marine fishery resources | CMFRI |
5 | Assessment of elasmobranch resources in the Indian Seas | CMFRI |
6 | An input output economic optimization model for Marine Fisheries at Tuticorin Fishing Harbour | CMFRI |
7 | National Initiative on Climate Resilient Agriculture - Marine Fisheries | DARE-ICAR |
8 | Resource assessment and barcoding of elasmobranchs | MoES |
9 | Myctophid resources assessment in the Arabian Sea | MoES |
Awards & Recognitions :
- Recognized as External Examiner (Question Setter/Evaluator) of Tamilnadu Fisheries University, Nagapattinam.
- Recognized as Reviewer in Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Sciences, Chemical Engineering Journal & Journal of Medical Plants Research
- 2010: Alltech Young Scientist Award (India) through global undergraduate/graduate competition by Alltech based on master dissertation.
- 2007-09: Dr. Hiralal Choudhary Gold Medal Award for securing the first position in the M.F.Sc. (Aquatic Environment Management) in Central Institute of Fisheries Education (CIFE), Mumbai.
- Awarded Institutional Fellowship for pursuing Ph.D. & M.F.Sc. (Aquatic Environment Management) in Central Institute of Fisheries Education, Mumbai through ICAR All India Competitive Entrance Examination for the academic year 2009-12 & 2007- 09 respectively.
Best 5 Publications :
1. Ranjith, L., Sethi, S. N., and Kannan, K (2014) New Occurrences of Side-gilled Slugs, Pleurobranchus mamillatus, Quoy & Gaimard, 1832 off from Kayalpattinam, Tamil Nadu, India. Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Sciences. 43 (8).
2. Sethi, S. N., Ranjith, L. and Kannan, K. (2014) Occurrences of Wedge Sea Hare, Dolabella auricularia (Lightfoot, 1786) from Kayalpattinam, Tamil Nadu, India. Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Sciences. 43 (8).
3. Kannan, K ., Suresh Kumar, K., Ranjith, L and Joshi, K K and Madan, M S and John, Sajan (2013) First record of the twostripe goby, Valenciennea helsdingenii (Gobiidae, Gobiiformes) from the southeast coast of India. ZooKeys, 323. pp. 91-97.
4. Ranjith, L., Shukla, S. P., Vennila, A., and T.D. Gashaw (2012). Bioinvasion in Antarctic ecosystems: A review. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India Section B. 82 (3): 353-359.
5. Ranjith, L., Shukla, S. P., Vennila, A. and Purushothaman, C. S., Lakshmi, M. S., Aruna, S. and Padmanabhan, A. K. (2011). An assessment on Spirulina platensis as a biosorbent for Arsenic removal. Water Science and Technology: Water Supply, 11 (3) 370-378.
Links to other profiles :
- Google Scholar - http://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=roNa9AYAAAAJ
- ResearchGate - https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Ranjith_L/publications