Focus of Research :
- Crustacean Fisheries
- Marine Resource mapping
- Trawl fisheries management
Background :
After taking masters in mariculture (1985), joined Prawn Farm Project complex under MPEDA, Kochi in 1987. In 1993 joined ARS and CMFRI; Served in Veraval RC (1995-2001) and in Mangalore RC ; served as Scientist –in-charges in both centres for three and six years respectively. Demonstrated the utilities of application of GIS in Indian marine fisheries and presently focusing on spatial planning in marine fisheries management and sustainable mariculture development. Worked and have expertise in crustacean fisheries/ biology and trends in Indian trawl fishery . Developed and popularized CBA and small scale cages suited for finfish culture in coastal waters.
Education :
- PhD 2006 Mangalore University
- MSc 1985 Cochin University of Science & Technology
- BSc 1983 Zoology, University of Calicut
Current Research Projects :
No | Title | Funded By |
1 | GIS based resources mapping of distribution and abundance of finfishes and shellfishes off Indian Coast for suggesting operational based strategies for fisheries management. | CMFRI |
2 | Development of fishery management plans for sustaining marine fisheries of Karnataka and Goa. | CMFRI |
3 | Innovations in Sea Cage Farming and Coastal Mariculture | CMFRI |
4 | Flow of Matter through tropic levels and biogeochemical cycles in Marine and Estuarine ecosystems | MoES |
5 | National Initiative on Climate Resilient Agriculture | ICAR |
Awards & Recognitions :
- 1983 ICAR, FAO-UNDP junior Research Fellowship for Mariculture
- 1987 UGC Research Fellowship for pursuing Research In Mariculture
- 2011 Selected for NUFFIC fellowship under Netherlands Fellowship Programme (NFP) attend “Fisheries Governance course” in Wageningen International, Netherlands.
- 2013 Identified as trawl expert for representing India in “Asia Pacific countries trawl expert committee” by APFIC
- 2014 Identified as Indian expert in “Finding common ground on the scientific knowledge regarding best practices in trawling” by FAO to represent India in SAS expert meeting .
- Dineshbabu, A.P., Thomas Sujitha, E. V. Radhakrishnan, A. C. Dinesh, 2012, Preliminary experiments on application of participatory GIS in trawl fisheries of Karnataka and its prospects in marine fisheries resource conservation and management Indian J. Fish., 59(1) : 15-22.
- Dineshbabu A. P, E. V. Radhakrishnan, Sujitha Thomas , G. Maheswarudu, P. P. Manojkumar,Shoba Joe Kizhakudan , S. Lakshmi Pillai, Rekhadevi Chakraborty , Josileen Jose, P. T. Sarada, Paramita Banerjee Sawant, K. K. Philipose, V. D Deshmukh, J. Jayasankar, Subhadeep Ghosh,Mohamed Koya , G. B Purushottama and Gyanaranjan Dash. An appraisal of trawl fisheries of India with special reference on the changing trends in bycatch utilization. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. India, 55 (2), July-December 2013.
- A.P.Dineshbabu, C.Muthaiah,Geetha Sasikumar, Prathibha Rohit and Uma. S.Bhat, Imapct of non-selective gears on king seer, Scomberomorus commrson fishery in Karnataka. Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Sciences, Vol. 41(3), June, 2012; pp 265-271
- Dineshbabu. A. P and Joseph. K. Manissery, 2008. Reproductive biology of ridgeback shrimp Solenocera choprai Nataraj (Decapoda, Penaeoidea, Solenoceridae) off Mangalore coast, south India. Fisheries Science, 74 (4): 796–803.
- Dineshbabu, A.P. , Thomas Sujitha, P. S. Swathi Lekshmi, Geetha Sasikumar, 2012, Adoption of sustainable capture based aquaculture practices by traditional fishermen of Karnataka. Indian J. Fish., 59(1): 49-52.
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