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Rajbhasha Comittee Inspection at Madras Regional Station

The Rajbhasha Committee of Indian Council of Agricultural Research New Delhi conducted an inspection with respect to the Official Language Implementation activities of Madras Regional Station on 8 January 2025. The Scientist–in-Charge welcomed the committee members and gave a brief introduction about the OLIC committee members of the station. The committee headed by Shri. Ram Dayal Sharma, Joint Director, Rajbhasha, ICAR, New Delhi had a detailed discussion with the Official Language Implementation Committee of the Madras Regional Station. Dr. Srinivasa Raghavan.V, Senior Scientist and OLIC In-Charge briefed the committee about the various official language activities being carried out by the station. The Rajbhasha committee scrutinized the inspection questionnaire regarding progressive use of official language, official files, registers and all other supporting documents prepared with respect to official language implementation activity. The committee visited all the laboratories and administrative sections. The committee gave suggestions for improvising the Rajbhasha activity of the station. The meeting ended with a formal vote of thanks and the Rajbhasha committee members were presented with a memento by the Scientist-in-Charge.

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