ICAR-CMFRI Receives Kshetriya Rajbhasha Award instituted by Dept. of Official Language
ICAR- Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute (CMFRI) has received the Kshetriya Rajbhasha Award for the year 2023-24 instituted by Department of Official Language, the Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt. of India, for the best implementation of the Official Language Hindi.
ICAR- CMFRI won the award instituted for the Central government organisations located in the South & South – West regions. Dr. Grinson George, Director, ICAR- CMFRI and Shri Hareesh Nair, Chief Administrative Officer (S.G.) and Official Language In- charge received award and certificate from Shri. Arif Mohammed Khan, Hon’ble Governor of Bihar and Shri Nityanand Rai, Union Minister of State for Home Affairs during the Joint Regional Official Language Conference for South and South- West regions held in Karnataka State Open University, Convocation Bhavan, Mysuru, Karnataka on 4th January, 2025.