Indian Council of Agricultural Research
  • Indian anchovy Stolephorus indicus
    Species Code: 0392
  • Indian white prawn
    Fenneropenaeus indicus

    Species Code: 4062
  • Sea grape Caulerpa veravalensis
    Species Code: 7020
  • Pelagic thresher Shark
    Alopias pelagicus

    Species Code: 0021
  • Yellow clam
    Meretrix casta
    Species Code: 4881

Home Fished Taxa Listing

Because of high biodiversity, India’s marine fisheries exploits a very large number of species (>1000) belonging to different phyla. Since CMFRI makes estimates of marine fisheries landings from all of the Indian coast, voluminous information is generated which is processed using the most modern tools in computer applications. This necessitates codifying all the species which are caught and landed. The CMFRI, has therefore, coded (4 digits) all the species which are caught, incidentally caught and some which are likely to be caught in future. The list is constantly under revision because of nomenclatural changes and additions to the list. The listing is also published in print for use by field data collectors.

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