Indian Council of Agricultural Research
  • Calicut Regional Station main campus
  • Marine Hatchery complex
  • Beach hatchery and pond complex
  • Marine aquarium for public awareness

Home Calicut Regional Station

Thrust Areas of Research

Assessment of marine fishery resource characteristics.
Stock assessment of marine fish stocks of Kerala and Lakshadweep
Preparation of policy briefs for marine fisheries management of Kerala and Lakshadweep.
Captive breeding and seed production of commercially important fin and shell fishes.
Development of sustainable mariculture practices for bivalve farming.

Assessment of carrying capacity of water bodies for farming of bivalves.


Ongoing Research Projects

a. In-house Projects

Development of fishery management plans for sustaining marine fisheries of Kerala and Lakshadweep >
Development of strategies to sustain the stock and fishery of large pelagics in Indian waters
Assessment of elasmobranch resources in the Indian seas.
GIS based resource mapping of distribution and abundance of finfishes and shellfishes off Indian coast
Development of Fishery Management Plans (FMPs) for the bivalve fisheries of India
Pollution and litter in the coastal and marine ecosystem and their impact.
Ecosystem processes of coastal marine habitats and development of protocols for restoration.
Development and standardisation of seed production technologies of selected high value fin fishes and shellfishes
Innovations in sea cage farming and coastal mariculture
Health Management in selected finfish and shellfish for mariculture and aquariculture bioprospecting from marine resources
Sustainable molluscan mariculture practices.
Investigations on vulnerable coral reef ecosystems of Indian waters with special emphasis on formulation of management measures for conservation.
Assessment of fishing impacts on biodiversity loss, with special reference to the threatened species, to formulate management options for their protection.

b. Sponsored Projects

“A value chain on Oceanic tuna fisheries in Lakshadweep Sea”. (NAIP). – Final Report submitted.
“Utilization Strategy for Oceanic Squids (Cephalopoda) in Arabian Sea”: A Value Chain Approach”. (NAIP). – Final Report submitted.
Towards developing models for prediction of recruitment success in major Indian marine fish stocks (CMLRE-MoES)
Eco-biological investigations on major pelagic fishes & ecological modeling of epipelagic habitat off Kerala & Lakshadweep. (INCOIS-MoES)
National Surveillance Programme for Aquatic Animal Diseases (NSPAAD) – NFDB funded project.
Participatory management for conservation of seahorses in the Gulf of Mannar, south-east coast of India (BOBLME funded project).


Significant Achievements in the last 5 years


  • Database on catch, effort and species composition of elasmobranchs, threadfinbreams, flatfishes, lizardfishes and sciaenids exploited by different gears in the Malabar region were prepared.
  • Prepared database on age, growth, mortality parameters, size at recruitment, length at first capture, probability of capture, spawning stock biomass, recruitment size, fecundity, mean length, length at first maturity and other parameters on C. limbatus, N. mesoprion, N. japonicus, C. macrostomus, J. sina and O. ruber to assess the impact of fishing on these resources and as an input for developing ecosystem based fisheries management models.
  • Data base on trophodynamics of N. mesoprion, N. japonicus, C. macrostomus, J. sina and O. ruber exploited in Malabar region was prepared.
  • Low-value bycatch (2007-2009) and discards (2008-2011) from trawl were studied.
  • Rearing of Malabar red snapper in the beach farm at Calicut has shown that this species is suitable for culture along this coast.
  • The broodstock of Malabar Red Snapper (Lutjanus argentimaculatus) were developed in silpoulin lined pond at Beach Farm of CMFRI, Calicut.
  • Low-cost rectangular cages of size 2.5x1x1 m were designed and fabricated using PVC pipes. Cost of the cage including the maturing and labour charges is approximately. Rs 3000/.
  • Culture of pearl spot (Etroplus suratensis) was successfully demonstrated using low-cost cages to the farmers of Thiruvangoor, Calicut district.
  • Carrying capacity in the mussel farming areas of Padanna Estuary was studied, which indicated positive impact on the physical and ecological carrying capacity of this estuary.
  • Proposed a new conceptual value chain on rock oysters KONKAN MINI OYSTERS considering the rock oyster populations in Maharashtra and the high local demand for oysters both in Maharashtra and Goa.
  • Training on bivalve farming being regualry conducted
  • Pathological manifestations of the acanthocephalan, Tenuiproboscis sp. in the mangrove red snapper, Lutjanus argentimaculatus was traced.
  • Studies the infection of Perkinsus spp. in bivalves from Versova (Perna viridis), New Ferry Wharf (Meretrix meretrix), Sasoon Dock (Crassostrea madrasensis), Miyani, Navibandar and Porbandar (Crassostrea madrasensis).
  • Studies indicated that Beypore beach is prone to more anthropogenic activities than other beaches in Calicut. The plastics and other non-biodegradable wastes showed 80% higher quantity in Beypore than other beaches in Calicut.
  • Stranding of dolphins, whales and porpoises were recorded in the Malabar area and a database of marine mammals was prepared.
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